Category Archives: Computer Science

ArrayList 1 Excercises

BlueJ users. Read this about how to use ArrayLists as parameters. Or consider using Eclipse if this is too much of a hassle.

ArrayList<Integer> factors(int num)

Description: This method returns an ArrayList populated with the factors of num

Method Call return value/output
factors(5) {1,5}
factors(10) {1,2,5,10}

int sum(ArrayList<Integer> nums)

Description: This method returns the sum of all elements in the list

Method Call return value/output
sum({1,5}) 6
sum( { 3,4, 2 }  ) 9

void printReverse(ArrayList<String> strs)

Description: This method prints all elements in reverse order

Method Call return value/output
printReverse({“a”,”b”}) “b”
printReverse( “xu”, “t”) “t”

double mean(ArrayList<Integer> nums)

Description: This method returns the arithmetic mean of all elements in the list

Method Call return value/output
mean({1,5}) 3
mean( {3,4, 2 } ) 4.5

void printEvens(ArrayList<Integer> nums)

Description: This method prints out all even numbers

Method Call return value/output
printEvens({1,5 , 6}) 6
printEvens( {3,4, 2 }  ) 4 , 2

ArrayList<Double> everyOtherPi(ArrayList<Double> nums )

Description: This method returns a version of the input ArrayList with every other value changed to Math.PI

Do NOT make a new ArrayList in this method

Method Call return value/output
everyOtherPi ( {1,8,5,0, 7} ) {1, 3.1415 , 5 , 3.1415 , 7 , 3.1415 }
everyOtherPi({0,4,3,5} ) {0, 3.1415 ,  3 , 3.1415 }

boolean isIdentical(ArrayList<String> strs1 , ArrayList<String> strs2)

Description: This method returns true if each element in the two ArrayLists is the same

Method Call return value/output
isIdentical({“ab”, “a”} , { “x”, “a”} ) false
isIdentical({“ab”, “a”} , { “ab”, “a”} ) true
isIdentical({ “xy”} , { “XY”} ) false

int largest(ArrayList<Integer> nums)

Description: This method returns the largest element in nums

Method Call return value/output
largest({1,5 , 6}) 6
largest ({3,4, 2 }  ) 4

ArrayList<Integer>removeVal(ArrayList<Integer> nums, int val)

Description:This method returns an ArrayList with all instances of val removed

Do NOT make a new ArrayList in this method

Method Call return value/output
 removeVal({1,5 , 6}, 5 ) {1, 6 }
removeVal  ( {3,3,3,4, 2} , 3 ) {4,2}



TO do :


2 D Arrays in Java Assignments

Add the following Methods to a class called ArrayFun2D

public void print(int[][] arr)

Description: This method prints each element in the array. This will be a useful method when you are debugging your code and want to test it out to see if it works.

Method Call return value
print({{1,2} , {3,4}, { 5, 6 } } ) 1   2
3  4
5   6

public int sum(int[][] arr)

Description: This method returns the sum of all elements in the array

Method Call return value
sum({{1,2} , {3,4}, { 5, 6 } } ) 21 ( ie 1+2+3+4+5+6)

public String concat(String[][] strs)

Description: This method returns the concatenation of all the elements in the Array

Method Call return value
concat({{“a”,”xc” }, {“t”, “zoo”}, { “jjkj” } } ) “axctzzoojjkj”

public double mean( int[][] arr)

Description: This method returns the arithmetic mean of the array. Make sure you double check that you are correctly returning results that include decimal values .

Method Call return value
mean({{2,8} , {4 , 7} } )  5.25 ie (2+8+4+7)/4

public void printRow(int[][] arr, int row)

Description: This method prints all elements in rowThis can be (and should be) done with a single loop.

Method Call return value
printRow({{1,2} , {3,4}, { 5, 6 } } , 1 ) 3, 4
printRow( { 5 , 6} , {7, 12, 13 , 5 }, { 5, 6 ,0} } , 2 ) 5 , 6, 0

public void printCol(int[][] arr, int col)

Description: This method prints all elements in col

Method Call return value
printCol({{1,2} , {3, 4}, { 5, 6 } } , 1 ) 2
printCol( { 5 , 6} , {7, 12, 13 , 5 }, { 12, 6 ,0} } , 0 ) 5
printCol(    {12, 13 , 5 }, { 6, 2, 13 ,11}  , {1,2 } } , 2 ) 5

public int maxVal_inRow(int[][] arr, int row)

Description: This method returns the value of the largest number in the given row

Method Call return value
maxVal_inRow({{1,2} , {3,4}, { 5, 6 } } , 1 ) 4
maxVal_inRow ({   { 5 , 6} , {7, 12, 13 , 5 }, { 5, 6 ,0} } , 2 ) 6

public int maxVal_inCol(int[][] arr, int col)

Description: This method returns the value of the largest number in the given col

Method Call return value
maxVal_inCol({{1,2} , {3,4}, { 5, 6 } } , 0 ) 5
maxVal_inCol({{1,-2} , {3,-4}, { 5, -5 } } , 1 ) -2

public int[][] changeValues(int[][] table, int val)

Description:This method returns the array with all elements set toval

changeValues(table, 5)

Original Array

1 2
3 4
5 6
Returned Array

5 5
5 5
5 5

public void print_colMajor(int[][] arr)

Description: This method prints each element in the array – using column major order

Method Call return value
print({{1,2} , {3,4}, { 5, 6 } } ) 1   3   5
2  4    6


public int[][] removeVals(int[][] table, int val)

Description: This method returns a version of the 2-d array where val has been removed from all elements

removeValues(table, 5)

Original Array

{1 , 5}
{3, 4}
{5, 6}
Returned Array

{3, 4}


int[] twoD_to1D(int[][] arr)

Description: This method takes an input array that is in 2 dimensions  and  creates a 1 d array . Assume that the array is rectangular (not jagged).

Method Call return value
twoD_to1D ( {{1,2} , {3,4}, { 5, 6 } } ) { 1 , 2 ,  3 ,  4 , 5 ,  6 }


int[][] add (int[][] matr1, int[][] matr2)

Description: This method returns the sum of matr1 and matr2

how to add matrices


** int[][] multiply(int[][] matr1, int[][] matr2)

Description: This method returns the product of matr1 and matr2

how to multiply matrices

**public int[][] invertValues(int[][] matr)

Description: This method returns the paramater with its values ‘inverted’

Original Array

1 2
3 4
5 6
Returned Array

6 5
4 3
2 1

Two Dimensinal Arrays in Java

Two Dimensional Arrays in Java


2-D array Demo Code

2 D Array Assignments

Array 3 [ v1]

Warming up

public void  printFactors( int n )

Description: This method prints all factors of n

Method Call return value/output
printFactors( 5) 1


printFactors( 6) 1




printFactors( 9 ) 1
printFactors( 15) 1


public int[] getFactors( int n )

Description: This method returns an array populated with the factors on n

Method Call return value/output
getFactors( 5) {1,5}
getFactors( 6) {1,2,3,6}
getFactors( 9 ) {1,3, 9}
getFactors( 15) {1,3,5}



public int[]  removeZeros(int [] nums)

Description: This method returns a version of the input –with all occurrences of 0 , zero, removed

Method Call return value/output
noZeros(  { 3 , 4, 0, 1} ) { 3, 4, 1}
noZeros(  { 0, 5 , 0, 0, 9, 0, 1 , 11} ) { 5,9,1,11}



** public int[]  doubleUp( int  [] nums, int val)

Description: This method retuns a version of the input –with all occurances of val  duplicated.

Method Call return value/output
doubleUp(  { 3 , 4, 0, 1}  , 4  ) { 3, 4, 0, 1}
doubleUp(  { 1, 3 , 1, 5 , 3, 3} ,  3 )    {1 , 3,  , 1, 5 , 3, 3, 3, }




Similar problems on codinbat


Mazes 2

Mazes #2

Shunya Map 1


Shunya 4




Struhl Map:

  • Start   20, 18
  • go around the interior, get the flower, pick it up.
  • 1 loop only




Heeyeon’s Map:

  • heeyeons_maze.jev
  • start Jeroo at (23,1) and pick up the flower  at that location
  • go to (1,23)
  • you may NOT pick a flower or visit a cell that has a flower (See animation at bottom)

Picture at start:


One Solution:heeyeons_maze


Brett’s Maze 2

Description: Start at 0,0, pick all the flowers then use them to toss() your way through the nets.   bretts-maze2


George’s Map  : Start at ( 10,0) , facing SOUTH,  Use 1 loop and pick the flowergeorges-map

 Paul’s Diagonal Map


 Matt’s All Flower Map
Map name :   matt_water_flower_map.jev
Directions: pick up all the flowers. Use 1 while loop. You can start and end wherever you want. Just make sure that the loop eventually terminates.
One strategy:

A Different strategy


Jar jar’s Haven:



Bismark’s Map

Directions: Pick all the flowers. Start anywhere ; end anywhere. Don’t die, Make sure the loop ends.



Diagonal Inwards
Fill up the Map
  • * Use a blank map and have 2 Jeroos fill up every spot with a flower.
  • Use a single loop (not an infinite one either)




Mazes 1

Objective: To use while loops to get the Jeroo to pass through each maze and get the flower. It is possible to write a solution to both of these mazes using a single while loop–albeit this loop will have several( about 5 or 6) if tests! It is important for this problem that you do NOT simply hand code this. To get an A on both of these assignments you must use 1 single while loop per maze.
Download All Island Files



Shunya 3



Aliya’s Map


 Mazes 2 (start in top left, 1 loop to pick flower)



Shunya 2



Yuna’s Original Maze





 island-3-D (start in the top left, and get to the bottom right)




4) ZigZag   : Use 1 while loop (not infinite), follow the flowers, picking them up and use those flowers traverse over the nets. Notice where the Jeroo ends (ie your while loop condition)


5)  Spell Z (Blank Map)

  1. start at 0 , 0 with 70 flowers.
  2. Use a single while loop to spell a letter z



Last and most definitely not least:

island3-C ** A+ assignment.

This is the deceptively hard and should be done last and only if you want that A+



Done all of the maps? Start on the next set here

Systematically Visit All Cells [Java]

Description: It’s harvest time and Adam must pick all of the flowers on the island. Unfortunately for Adam, he doesn’t know where the flowers are growing. Flowers could be growing anywhere on the island. In order to keep from being too exhausted, he can only visit each cell once, and he cannot try to pick from an empty cell. There are no nets, water features, or other Jeroos on the island. The purpose of this program is to find a systematic way for Adam to visit every cell exactly once, and pick the flowers from the cells that have flowers.
Download all the island files

The Maps

Note: Do not be fooled by how similar the next map is. You will probably have to rewrite some code to complete the next one.

Two Friends Meet

One Saturday morning, two friends, Bugs and Daffy, decide to meet and plant flowers to beautify Santong island. Daffy starts in the Northwest corner facing East with 90 flowers in his pouch. Bugs starts in the Northeast corner facing West with 90 flowers in his pouch. Bugs and Daffy begin hopping toward one another. As they hop, each plants exactly one flower at every location it enters, including its starting location. They meet, facing each other, roughly in the middle of row 0. After a handshake and a little small talk, Bugs and Daffy both turn toward the south and continue planting flowers all the way to the southern edge of the island. When both reach the South Sea, the say goodbye and part. Daffy turns west and plants flowers all the way to the Western Ocean. Bugs turns east and plants flowers all the way to the Eastern Ocean. This is where our story ends. Your task is to write a Jeroo program that will illustrate this story.

One possible solution to this project is represented in the picture below