Monthly Archives: November 2015

Objects In Java Unit


Unit 4  Objects && ArrayList

Unit 5 : Objects Continued

Unit 4** Alice Assignments

Assignment ): Tutorial 4-2 Gum Drop Fish Assignment will be graded (2 points) from packet #13 will be graded.  Download the GumdropBigFish world 

  • gum drop alice

Assignment 1 )   Miles Per Gallon: Create a world in which the

  •  Create 3 variables :  miles, gallons ,MPG  
    •  2 of the variables  store the return value of a function
      • The user is asked for the number of gallons  of fuel his or her car can hold. Use the return value of the ask use for a number function as shown below.screenshot21
      • Do the same thing for the the number of miles  that he or she can drive on a full tank. Use ask a user function to set the value of the miles variable.
  • a third variable called MPG.   This one will store the result of some math and will hold the car’s miles-per-gallon (MPG). Calculate the MPG with the following formulampg (2)
  • At the end , your character should say the value of the   mpg , as shown below.

How to use “what as a string”

what as string 2




Assignment  3) Fahrenheit to Centigrade :

First, watch the animated gifs on this web page that explain how to use math in Alice


  • Create a variable called degreesFahrenheit  .
  • Store the return value of the ask_user to enter a number function
    • You should ask them for the degrees in Fahrenheit
  • Create a variable called  degreesCentigrade
  • Use the following formula to convert the degreesFahrenheit   to Centigrade using the following formula
  • use a character from thePeople collection to say the centigrade temperature.
  • Don’t forget that you can’t say numbers, you must use what as a string






Assignment 4) Modification of MPG

reopen the miles per gallon project

  • if the MPG variable <  20
    • say “What a Gas Guzzler”
  • else
    • say ” Your car is not a gas guzzler”

MPG Modification 1

Assignment 5) Modification of Fahrenheit to Centigrade

reopen the Fahrenheit to Centigrade project and add

  • if the degreesCentigrade  variable <30
    • say “It’s Very cold
  • else
    • say ” It is warm outside”

Assignment 6) Circle’s Area and Circumference: Create a world with your choice of person from the Peoplecollection. When you play the world, it should

  • ask the user for the radius of a circle. (This value should be stored in a variable ).
  • The person should then say the area and the circumference of the circle.( Links for the circumference formula , area of a circle)
  • (For an extra point do the same thing with a “Sphere“. Ask the user for the radius and calculate the surface area and the volume.

Assignment 8 


Roman Numeral translator

Here’s a gif showing partial code and what the finished project should look like
Objective : to let the user type in a number between 1 and 10 and then have a character “translate” that into Roman Numerals ( I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X)

  • Ask the user for a number and store the return value into a variable called numberToTranslate
  • if the user enters a number greater than 10 then  OR less than 1 , have your character say, use either a or b “Only enter numbers between 1 and 10”screenshot59



  • use a series of “if/else tests to translate the number and say the write translation for each number between 1 and 10
  • screenshot61

We are going to use the roman Numeral Translator file again, so it’s important that you don’t lose the file and give it a good name that you can easily recognize in the future.

Assignment 7-extra credit ). Look up the formulas for the volume and surface area of a cylinder . Ask the user for the height of the cylinder and the radius, which should be stored in variables. Then calculate the surface area and volume of the cylinder . See if there is a cylinder shape in the gallery to use as a visual aid.

Assignment 8 ) Open Assignment

Create an Alice world that

  • uses a variable
  • uses a ask_user world function
  • uses a comment
  • uses an if/else
  • uses a math expression with more than one operation (ie addition and also multiplication or multiplication and also subtraction)
  • tells a story


Unit 4 . Objects & Arraylists

Unit 4  Objects && ArrayList


Part I

import java.util.ArrayList