Tag Archives: String

String 1 and Array 1 Exercises

Exercises for String 1 and Array 1 (no loops)

When you are done, you can copy and past the score() method below into your class. It will test some (but, by no means all) of the things that your code should do

Create a class called StrArr1 and add each method below into it.




For the absVals()  method below use the Math.abs() Java method.





For the  randos1to10()   method below use the  Math.random()  Java method. Create a new array to store random integers. Each integer should be [1,10]


Java String Project Bases and Decimals

Create a class called BaseMaster (spelled exactly like this)


//helper functions

the isNumeric() method returns true if every digit is an integer . It also allows for a single ‘.’ to represent a decimal point.



example call return value
isNumeric("3.1") true
isNumeric("3.1.1") false
isNumeric("3a") true (assume base 16)
 isNumeric("3D")  true (assume base 16)

To get A+, you need to make base10toOtherBase() support bases 2-10 AND base 16

Java String Loops 2

public int countF(String str)

Description: This method returns the number of times that the letter ‘f’ occurs in str.

Method Call return value/output
countF(“abcdef”) 1
countF(“abcdfef”) 2
countF(“fff”) 3
countF(“xxx”) 0


public boolean has2Fs(String str)

Description: This method returns true if str has exactly two occurrences of the letter ‘f’ in it.

Method Call return value/output
has2Fs(“foo”) false
has2Fs(“fofo”) true
has2Fs(“foffo”) false


public boolean has2Fs3Gs(String str)

Description: This method returns true if str has exactly two occurrences of the letter ‘f’ in it and 3 occurences ‘g’.

Method Call return value/output
has2Fs3Gs(“foog”) false
has2Fs3Gs(“foggfog”) true
has2Fs3Gs(“foffoggg”) false

public int momOrDad(String str)

Description: This method returns the number of times that the String “mom” or the string “dad” occurs in the parameter str .

Method Call return value/output
momOrDad(“foog”) 0
momOrDad(“momf”) 1
momOrDad(“momdadmo”) 2
momOrDad(“momdadmom”) 3


public String threeTimes(String str)

Description: This method returns the String str concatenated with itself three times

Method Call return value/output
threeTimes(“foog”) “foogfoogfoog”
threeTimes(“abc”) “abcabcabc”
threeTimes(“zt”) “ztztzt”
threeTimes(“”) “”


public String nTimes(String str, int n)

Description: This method returns the String str concatenated with itself n times

Method Call return value/output
nTimes(“fg” , 2 ) “fgfg”
nTimes(“abc” , 0 ) “”
nTimes(“zt” , 3 ) “ztztzt”
nTimes(“uiz” , 4 ) “uizuizuizuiz”



public String countMiddleChar(String str)

Precondition: str.length() ≥ 3.

Description: This method returns the number of times the middle letter of str appears in str.

Method Call return value/output
countMiddleChar(“acbcb” ) 2
countMiddleChar(“acbcx” ) 1
countMiddleChar(“bbbbb” ) 5
countMiddleChar(“xytbtzy”) 1



public int indexOf(String haystack, String needle)

Description: Write your own indexOf() method. Obviously, you cannot make use of the String’s build in indexOf() method. This method returns the index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack . (Full credit if you can get this to work with Strings whose length is greater than 1).

Method Call return value/output
indexOf(“acxb”, “x” ) 2
indexOf(“zazt”, “z” ) 0
indexOf(“tayv”, “g” ) -1
indexOf(“hijklj”, “j” ) 2

If you want the extra credit, then it must also be able to complete the following example calls

Method Call return value/output
indexOf(“acxb”, “cx” ) 1
indexOf(“acxb”, “cxb” ) 1
indexOf(“acxb”, “cxbt” ) -1


public int countChars(String str, String chars)

Precondition:The length of chars is less than or equal to the length of str

Description: This method returns the number of times that charsoccurs in String str.

Method Call return value/output
countChars(“momdadmom” , “dad” ) 1
countChars(“foobofoo” , “foo”) 2
countChars(“foobofoofoo” , “foo”) 3
countChars(“foobofoofoo” , “xy” ) 0