Java String Loop Assingments 1


public void printTwos(String str)

Description: This method prints two letters from the String starting at with the first two letters and ending with the last two.

Method Call return value/output
printTwos(“abcdef”) “ab”



public void printReverse(String str)

Description: This method print every letter in reverse and on a new line.

Method Call return value/output
printReverse(“abcd”) “d”
printReverse(“thefoo”) “o”
public void printTwoReverse(String str)

Description: This method print every 2 letter in reverse and on a new line.

Method Call return value/output
printTwoReverse(“abcd”) “dc”
printTwoReverse(“thefoo”) “oo”


public void printTwoReverseAgain(String str)

Description: This method print every 2 letter in reverse and on a new line and with no overlap of letters

Method Call return value/output
printTwoReverseAgain(“abcd”) “dc”
printTwoReverseAgain(“thefoo”) “oo”