Alice Unit 5 [Objects, Parameters]

5.1: Exercise Competition:


Three girls Jenny, Kelly, and Barb are enrolled in an exercise class. One day after class the three decide to have a friendly competition to see how many sets of 10 repetitions of running in place each can do before getting tired. Barb decides to go first and gets tired at 10 repetitions. Kelly goes next and she gets tired at 20 repetitions. Jenny, who has been in the exercise class for the longest, goes next. She gets tired at 30 repetitions.

Create a world that suites the competition.

  • Note: Basically, you are just using a parameter to determine how many times the girl “runsInPlace”
  • Important: Each of the girls should be an instance of ExerciseGirl class that you created in chapter 5.


excercise compe


EACH Assignment below requires the use of a parameter in some way.  If you do not have a parameter, as described, you will lose a lot of credit.


Here is a helpful link on how to create and use parameters, in case you forget.


5.2 : Jumping Jacks


Add a jumpingJack method to the ExerciseGirl class. The method should make the object perform jumping jacks .

  • Important: this method should have a parameter for the number of repetitions to perform.

5.3 : Marcello The Magician:


Marcello the magician has finally mastered his disappearing act. To perform the act, he places several items on a table in front of him. He stands with his right arm extended over an item. He says the magic word “Alakazam, Alakazee” and the object disappears. He repeats this procedure for each object on the table. Create a world in which Marcello (an instance of the Magician class from the People Collection) demonstrates his new act . In the magician object

  • you should create two new class-level methods:
    • sayMagicWords
      • should cause Marcello to say the magic words.
    • makeDisappear
      • This method should have an object as its parameter
      • should cause Marcello to turn to face the object, say the magic words (by calling the sayMagicWords method) and then make the object disappear by setting its opacity to zero (note: for some reason the bunny object cannot be made to disappear this way!).
  • gigantaicize
    • This method should have an object as its parameter
    • the object should be made to 5 times its original size!
  • Want to get an “A+”: then create a transmute method tha
    • takes an object  parameter
    • Changes a locust to a boar (hide the one , make the other appear)
    • changes a bird to a locust


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