Playlist Project [Array]

A PlayList project will be based on Three Classes

The Artist class will store core information about an artist

The Song class will store basic information about a music song

The PlayList class will manage lists of songs and artists



  • Constructor(s) :
    public Artist( String name) { //missing code }


  • Instance Variables (“global” variables)







Instance Variables

example of how to get current milliseconds as a long









  • Instance Variables
    • private String listName : This is the ‘name’ of your playList
    • private Song[] songs;
    • private  int[] stars ; //how many stars each song has between 0 and 5 inclusive.
    • Note: songs and stars are parallel Arrays
  • Constructor
    • public PlayList(String name) : There should be only 1 constructor that takes a parameter representing the name of the playList
  • Accessor Methods
    • public double averageRating() // returns the average star rating for the list
    • public double averageRating(Artist artist)  // returns the mean star rating associated with artist
    • public Song[] getSongs(Artist artist) // returns an array populated by the songs of the parameter artist
    • public Song[] getSongs() // returns all the songs in the list

    Mutator Methods

    • public void swap(Song song1 ,  Song song2 )  // switches positions of these two (maintain parallelism!)
    • public void  add(Song song , int stars)
    • public void removeSong(Song song, String artist )  //removes song associated with artist
      • Note: Be careful here. You are allowed to add the same song and artist. Duplicates are allowed.
    • public void removeArtist(Artist artist ) //removes all elements associated with artist
    • public void removeLowStars(int cutOff) //removes all elements associated with a star rating less than cutOff
    •  ** public PlayList sortByDate() //this returns a rearranged PlayList based on each Song’s date
    • ** public PlayList sortByRating() //this returns a rearranged playlist so that the 5 starred elements are the first group in the list, 4 stars second …1 stars, last
    • ** public PlayList shuffle() //this returns a new PlayList in which all of the songs have been reordered randomly.


