Category Archives: business

Shark Tank Ethics Episodes

Responsible Companies

  •  Season 4 , episode 17  @ 28:30 link
    • seconds Proof eyewear
      -eco friendly eye wear, towards the end of episode..
  • Season 3 Episode episode 15 @ 8:00 link
    Socially responsible company at approx 10 minutes (remax recycleable shoes)


Ethics Business Topics


Become an expert on your topic. Explain

  1. any unethical acts
  2.  what laws, if any , were broken
  3. what government agency was involved
  4.  what consequences did that party (person or business) suffer

Format: Powerpoint

Foxconn [Sweatshop]

Martin Shkreli [Pharma Bro]

Vokswagon Emissions Scandal

Valeant drug scandal


Wlls Fargo Checking Scandal


Zenefits Insurance Scandal


AutoZone [discrimination]


PayDay Loans