Bank Class
You have a lot of flexibility in creating this class, but here is what it should be able to do
- manage an array list of Accounts that could be any kind of account private ArrayList<Account>
Functionality that you *must* implement.
It’s up to you to decide how to implement the functionality below. You will only lose credit if your methods clearly make no sense, have bad variable names/method names.
- add an Account (of any type)
- remove an account by
- account id
- owner (a Person object)
The functionality above ^^ can be implemented in any efficient way that makes sense, but it must be implemented. I am leaving that part up to you!
- Some Specific Required Methods
public ArrayList<Person> topAccountOwners(double cutoff)
- this method returns an ArrayList of the owners whose accounts have at least cutoff amount of balance
public void nightlyUpdate()
- this runs through the accounts and if account is a SavingsAccount , then it calls that object’s recordDailyBalance() method (You are going to have to use instanceOf and then cast those accounts to a SavingsAccount )
- public Account topBalance() ; returns the Account object with the greatest balance
- public Account[] allWithinRange(double min, double max) returns an array of Accounts whose balances range from min to max , inclusive
- public boolean transfer( double amount, int accountIdFrom , int accountIdTo) ; this method transfers money from the one account to the other. If the accountIdFrom does not have enough $$, this method returns false.
public void monthlyUpdate()
- this runs through the accounts and if
- account is a SavingsAccount , then it calls that object’s updateInterestPayment() method
** extra credit ArrayList<Account> sortByAmount()
- this method returns an arraylist of Accounts sorted by amount in the account
public ArrayList<Person> topAccountOwners(double cutoff)