After The exam
- Begin developing Pufferfish Cloud Service!
- Jquery (EOD Wednesday 21)
- Bootstrap (EOD Sunday 18th)
- complete web fundamentals (EOD Monday 12th)
- download uniserver (note: the folder path cannot have any spaces )
Ap Exam date : Tuesday May 6th(link)
in room B101 at 7:45 AM
ALL AP-1 coding bat problems must be completed by Tuesday May 6th
AP Review (focusing on GridWOrld)
- Thursday 8th: DNS Recursion p. 259-265
- Wednesday 7th: Customer Info
- Tuesday 6th: Question 2, Interface question
- Monday 5th: DNS book – Gridworld: p.178-192
Week before AP
- Friday 25th : Complete Trail free response question
- Thursday 24th (interfaces/abstract classes) : p. 162-173
- Wednesday 23rd (OOP polymorphism) : 145-156
- Thursday 4/10: (last grade of quarter 3) Do the practice ap question on word list
- Wednesday 4/9 : ch5 inheritance : 64-72
- Tuesday 4/8 : Ch4, OOP 54-56, and Horse problem
- Monday 4/7: Ch4, OOP pages 52-54
- Friday 4/4 : Boolean Algebra- Pages 43-46
- Tuesday 4/2 : Page 8- 13 in DNS
Grid World
Grid World Test:
Tuesday April 2nd
- Extra credit (tag game)
- Friday 25th class time– we are going to do a new practice AP question
- Attractive Critter (code it–by Monday)
- Critter Subclasses I (Due EOD of Thursday 25th)
- Bug Subclasses II Due EOD of Wednesday
- Critter runner
- Critter Assignments from Student Manual
- p 35-36 . All sublcasses due by EOD (that’s end of day, Lin) , 10/13
- Quick Ref
- Download the Code
- Student Manual
- Below are common import statements that you will often need to include when you write subclasses. You can just copy and paste these and put them at the top
123import*;import info.gridworld.grid.*;import java.awt.Color; - Getting started | Documentation of Gridworld classes
- Location Constants
- Source code of classes that we will often reference
- Below are common import statements that you will often need to include when you write subclasses. You can just copy and paste these and put them at the top
Searching and Sorting
Searching/sorting (binary search)
February Break Assignment
Complete the sorting Algorithms assignment described here (I must first give you a specific sorting algo)
- Scott – Merge sort ( recursion )
- Misha – Bubble sort
- Michael J – Insertion
- Dom Rech – Insertion
- Brian Lin – Selection
- Paul Wilson- Quick Sort
- Max – Binary Search Tree
- Quiz/test – Thursday or Friday (weather dependent)
- evaluate several recursive functions
- write 1-3 recursive functions
- Recursion
Midterm Review
AP Computer Science Quick Reference
- complete String 2
- complete Array 2
- Specific Coding Bat Problems
Unit 6 : Limitations of Single Inheritance
- Unit Goal : What limitations does single inheritance have? What structures in Java address this?
- Organizer assignment
- What are the benefits of interfaces? Download this runner (based on the Account and the Person classes)
- Implement your own interface
- Mathable project
Unit 5 : Objects Continued
- Unit Goal : What structures in Java exist that can best support advanced relationships between classes?
- Rectangle, Triangle
- Circle?
- Polygon , Shape ?
- Superclasses are great I
- What is ‘inherited’ by subclasses?
- Superclasses are Great II
- Account Assignment
- Bank Class
Unit 4 Objects && ArrayList
- Objects in Java
- Bank Assignment
- Student Class
- ClassRoster ( Due EOD Sunday )
- PlayListProject ( Due EOD Thursday )
- p.310 – 319 Multiple choice Friday at start of class
Part I
import java.util.ArrayList
1 2 3 4 5 |
ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(); al.add("first"); al.get(0) ; //-> 'first' ArrayList<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<Integer>(); |
1 |
Test Wednesday 10/30 on Strings
Unit 3 Strings
- Strings in Java
- String Loops Review (word doc)
- Strings Assignments This should be too easy for anyone who took the Java course so skip these if they are too easy for you
- Looping over String Projects
- String Loops 1
- String Loops 2 (must do) Due:EOD Tuesday 10/22
- String Projects #1 do the (Validate User Input Project)
- testcases_validate_form
- Required Coding Bat Problems
- Some Practice Problems
Unit 2 Arrays
- Test : Wednesday 15th
- Complete all projects by EOD Monday (coding bat, array 2, 3 etc..)
- One of the methods on the test requires you to use a foreach loop
- Array Fun 1
- CodingBat Problem
- Rotate Left 3
- Plus Two
- Max Triple
- Centered Average
- Array Fun 2 (due by EOD Thursday the 3rd )
- ArraysInMemory
- 20 points Total with the following rules
- Array 3 (work in progress)
- Quiz: October 11th (on Arrays)
- 2 D arrays Lesson
- 2 D Arrays Assignment
- Extra Credit
- EvenOdd (Don’t let the sound of this fool you. % 2 is not all you have to use)
- ZeroMax
- Mulitply with any base (GOOD LUCK!)
Unit 1. Data Types, value vs reference and some basics
- Floating Point Rounding Error (What’s going on here?)
- Real World Floating Point
- Number Fun 2
- Number Fun 3 (due in my inbox before Wednesday 18th)
- printDigits( int n ) (pre requisite for being able to do Luhn Check)
- int sumDigits(int n) this method returns the sum of all digits in n so that sumDigits( 153) would return 9 (ie 1+5+3)
- Luhn Check ( due before Monday’s class)
- 273 = true
127 = false
24372 = true
12492 = true
5435276 = true - Extra Credit for unit
- Coding Bat Problems (Do any 3. If you are shooting for a high A…then Make Chocolate has your name on it). Register for an account if you have not yet.
- Extra Credit at (Register at this site, if you are going to try these problems)
- Aliases
Test #1
Thursday 26th
- Memory
- pass by value vs reference
- c++ and the meaning of ‘&’
- how it applies to primitive data types in Java
- Numbers
- ints, doubles,
- rounding error
- casting
- Strings in Memory
- aliasing
- meaning of “==” for primitive data types vs Strings
- loops
- number fun 2, 3
- accessing digits in a number
- Math.round()
- Math.random()
- generating a random number in a given range